Media: Wii U Tokyo Street Demo

A first look at one of the Wii U's 'experiences' (tech demos) emerges from CES...

Those unhealthily wired into the zeitgeist may be aware of what has been colloquially called the 'Tokyo Steet Demo' for Wii U. It was one of the tech demos on show for Nintendo's next generation console back at E3, but a lack of any media coverage at the time confined it to fable.

With the Wii U making an encore appearance at this week's CES though, one lucky man who managed to go hands-on ended up capturing the demo on film. The street demo, or Panoramaview as it seems to officially be called, shows off the asymmetric philosophy of the controller/TV set-up. The player can use the controller as their personal viewing window while the car drives down the busy city street.

Extra-curricular speculation is available to debate whether or not the city footage is a pre-rendered video or something a bit more real-time (probably the former).

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