Mega Man arrives on the eShop tomorrow

Posted 17 Oct 2012 at 11:04 by Joshua Phillips
After failing to release Mega Man Legends on 3DS and then presenting fans with a bizarre social game on iOS, Capcom have finally decided to just go back to the good old days and present us with the original Mega Man.
To celebrate 25 years of the fellow, the original NES version shall be hitting the eShop tomorrow at a typically steep price of £4.49.
The original game played host to six robot bosses, all of whom needed a firm blast in the USB 2.0 port. You'll have to thwart the evil Cut Man, Elec Man, Ice Man, Fire Man, Bomb Man and Guts Man... oh man.
After defeating the bunch of robot men you'll be presented with Dr Wily who also needs a lesson from the man in blue.
The original (and arguably best) title is incredibly hard, but fans will no doubt be happy about this after the rather disappointing Mega Man Xover released on iOS recently. What was apparently an already easy game even had an 'Auto Play' option, so if you got tired of the mediocrity you could just let the game play itself.
So, whilst the future of the Mega Man series is still a mysterious and almost scary place, we can at least bathe in the wonderous past, before ripping our hair out over its infuriating difficulty.