Metroid Prime 4 "being developed by Bandai Namco"

Posted 10 Feb 2018 at 06:47 by Jonathan Stanley
Eurogamer is reporting that Metroid Prime 4 is, as many rumours have been persisting, being developed by Bandai Namco.
Since it was announced at e3 last year, details have been thin on the ground apart from Nintendo saying that the game wouldn't be developed by Retro, the studio behind the original Metroid Prime Trilogy on GameCube and Wii.
A job listing for Bandai Namco fanned some serious flames, and now Eurogamer have said multiple sources are confirming this to now be accurate.
Bandai Namco helped work on Super Smash Bros for Wii U and 3DS, we've seen Platinum Games handling Star Fox Zero and even Team Ninja made the divisive (for the record I thoroughly enjoyed it) Metroid: Other M on what do you make of this news? Good business or a risk with a big brand from Nintendo?
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