Miiverse update is live on 3DS

Posted 10 Dec 2013 at 11:33 by Jonathan Stanley
Following on from the last Nintendo Direct announcement, the 3DS system update went live this morning, allowing acess to Miiverse through your handheld console and, perhaps more importantly, unifying your account with your Wii U Nintendo Network ID.
If you don't own a Wii U it's a great opportunity to sign up to the service and get access to the Miiverse, which is Nintendo's own social media software which allows you to post screen shots, brag about achievements or ask for help on any number of games. While the 3DS version does seem to be missing some of the features of its Wii U older brother, such as the ability to send a direct message or add friends through it, it's a welcome step to what has to be one of the Wii U's crowning features.
And if you do own both a Wii U and a 3DS you can sync the two together, with any eShop money you have now being transferable between the two consoles. And as an added bonus, the system transfer limit has been ended, so now if you like collecting your 3DS consoles you can transfer the data from one to another whenever you like, whatever suits your mood. Sadly there is currently no option to play Virtual Console games you have bought on one on the other, but hopefully this is something Nintendo could implement in the future.
After all, with so many 3DS owners around the world, any reason to get them buying a Wii U has to be a good thing, right?
Let us us know your thoughts on what you want to see next now this update is live below, or join in on the forums and post your favourite Miiverse pictures from Wii U or 3DS!