Miyamoto hints at a new franchise which has been "keeping him busy"

Posted 10 Jul 2013 at 13:50 by Jonathan Stanley
Shigsy you tease!
No sooner has E3 been and gone with Nintendo 'playing it safe' with a slew of exciting (but arguably predictable) games announced like Super Mario 3D World and Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, than Nintendo's resident maestro has hinted that he is working on a new franchise for the company.
In an interview with Famitsu and translated by Polygon, Miyamoto said;
"...I hope people are looking forward to the games coming up. We'll have Mario Kart 8 out next spring, and at that point we'll have the whole lineup in place, so I think it's about time we brought out a new franchise. I can't give out details, but that's the title that's been keeping me pretty busy lately."
With Pikmin out in a little over 2 weeks in Europe, followed by The Wind Waker HD, and the aforementioned Mario and Donkey Kong games all out before Christmas, it's been a busy time for Nintendo's in house development teams. But the fact Shigsy has been beavering away on something, and something brand new to boot, is cause for even more cheer and optimism for 2014.
Who knew a Wednesday could be so exciting! As soon as Miyamoto and Nintendo announce anything be sure to check out N-Europe for the details.