Miyamoto thought gamers had 'grown weary' of F-Zero

Posted 04 Nov 2012 at 00:39 by Joshua Phillips
Many gamers have been eager for a new F-Zero title and so after nearly a decade of throwing punches instead of driving at blistering speeds, it would only be a matter of time before someone asked Nintendo why Captain Falcon hasn't been on the race track this generation.
With an F-Zero mini-game in Nintendo Land, Game Kult decided to ask Miyamoto whether or not we'll see a brand new game on Wii U, as many of their Twitter fans would love to see a return.
"Why F-Zero? What do you want that we haven't done before?", asked a bewildered Miyamoto. Indeed, the gaming god seemed rather surprised that of all the Nintendo franchises, it would be F-Zero that fans are eager for.
"I am really pleased to hear Twitter's opinion, because since the first episode on SNES many games have been made but the series has evolved very little. I thought people had grown weary of it.
I'd like to say: Thank you very much and try to wait by playing Nintendo Land's F-Zero mini-game."
So it seems that with nothing new to offer, Miyamoto may be concerned about making a new F-Zero title. But does F-Zero need new features? Or would you merely be happy with a new edition in HD? Let us know your thoughts below.