Monster Hunter 3: Ultimate gets EU release date & Voice Chat Confirmed

Posted 17 Jan 2013 at 15:32 by Joshua Phillips
Monster Hunter 3: Ultimate, an improved version of the fantastic Wii game, is set to release here in Europe on the 22nd March 2013.
The game boasts improved graphics as well as new monsters to slay and weapons to obtain. The Wii U version will allow you to jump online and hunt with three friends, voice chat was also confirmed by use of the (as of yet) under used GamePad microphone. No word however if headsets will also be supported or not.
What's even more exciting though (and points towards Miyamoto's wishes of GBA/GameCube connectivity being reborn) is the interaction between both the Wii U and 3DS versions of the game.
If you own both versions of the game, once you are done playing on the Wii U version, you can copy your save data over to the 3DS and carry on playing on the move. You can also play together in a local co-op mode using a 3DS and Wii U.
If you can't wait until release, fear not as Nintendo promise to provide gamers with a free demo on the 3DS and Wii U eShop soon. The demo will feature one Beginner and one Advanced single-player quest and will enable you to choose from 12 weapons as you battle Lagombi and Plesioth.