More Breath of the Wild details emerge

Posted 22 Jan 2017 at 15:20 by Joshua Phillips
More details on the latest Zelda title have emerged, such as the total number of side-quests, mini-dungeons and Korok seed puzzles. It has also been confirmed that dual audio will sadly not be available.
Nintendo's biggest title yet is nearly here so information is now gushing through at an unprecendented pace. In the last few days we found out how much space the game will take up, the true scope of the title and the fact that it will not have dual audio.
So yes, the good and bad news is that whilst this is the first Zelda game to finally have voice-acting throughout, it will be restricted to the region that you're in. Multiple regions will have their own voice overs but sadly you won't be able to experience them. Whilst many recent JRPG's have given you the option to experience the English or Japanese audio, that will sadly not be the case here.
We also recently got wind of the file size for the game - Breath of the Wild checks in at roughly 16GB on both Wii U and Nintendo Switch. Whilst this isn't too bad if your hard drive situation on Wii U is sorted, it does seem rather steep as a download file on Switch, with the console arriving with 32gb on board storage, some of which is already being used for the OS.
If you buy the game on disc for Wii U, it will require a 3GB download onto the system. We're not certain what the 3GB download is for, but we assume it is for similar reasons as Xenoblade Chronicles X which had optional download packs to improve load times in the game. The good news for Switch buyers is that the 3GB download is not required on that system, so if you buy the physical copy storage worries should no be an issue.
Finally, the official complete guide for Breath of the Wild was recently put up on Amazon with a listing of features giving us an insight into the amount of side-missions and dungeons in the game and it seems that yes, this game really is brimming with content as much as it is brimming with charm and erm, wind. Mild spoilers ahead:
From GoNintendo:
120 Shrine mini-dungeons, 900 Korok seed puzzles, 76 side quests all mapped out and ready for you to discover and complete! Also includes optional challenges, mini-games, unlockables, Easter eggs, and more.
So it seems that Breath of the Wild will have plenty for you to sink your teeth into this March. Will you be picking it up on launch day? And what system do you hope to buy it on? Let us know in the comments or on our forum.