More Wii U ports are likely to arrive on Switch

Posted 26 Jun 2017 at 13:52 by Joshua Phillips
Reggie claims more Wii U ports could be on the way and also teases that more titles are to be announced for this year.
In a recent interview with Vice's Waypoint, Reggie discussed the possibility of new 'Deluxe' editions of Wii U titles finding their way to the Nintendo Switch and also hinted that more titles are on the way this year beyond what we saw revealed at E3.
While Nintendo seem determined to bring us great new content and IP more than ever with the likes of ARMS and Splatoon 2, it does seem that they'd like more people to enjoy some of the great content that had a small audience on the Wii U.
"Our focus [at E3] is on games that are largely going to be available between now and the holiday season. When you look at the lineup, there's a strong game coming every month, starting with ARMS then Splatoon 2, then in August is the Mario + Rabbids game, September, October with Super Mario Odyssey. We've got that great pace of content, and I can tell you there's more to be announced."
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe has been a huge success for Switch both critically and commercially, being crowned the best selling single title in May and helping reach a new audience on the Nintendo Switch. Nintendo look to replicate this success with Pokkén Tournament soon, and perhaps with more titles to follow, but are keen to ensure they are more than just straight ports and instead enjoy extra features.
"There was some fantastic content [on Wii U] that consumers did not get to play. So that creates certainly a business opportunity. On the other hand, one of the things we've discussed internally is, there really needs to be an additional element to that game to make it fresh, and to further compel the consumer to buy in.
I think the best example of that is Pokkén Tournament Deluxe. Additional fighter,s that gives the fan a reason to buy into it. Same is true with Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, providing a mode that the consumers wanted in terms of a better battle mode, that was then included in that game. And so,I think the way we will continue to evaluate this is: yes, do we have opportunities with great games that maybe were not played as broadly on the Wii U, but then what's the plus alpha that's going to make it really compelling for the consumer?"
There certainly were a lot of great titles on the Wii U as it came to a close, so it'd be Smashing to enjoy some of those on the Switch. What titles would you like to see come over? And what kind of new content do you hope for? Let us know in the comments below or join our shiny new forums!