My Friend Pedro is ready to Gracefully Obliterate the Switch on 20th June

Posted 06 Jun 2019 at 13:58 by Sam C Gittins
There has understandably been more than a little bit of hype surrounding My Friend Pedro after it was launched with the most fantastic trailer featuring what can only be described as bullet time with bananas.
We now have the date, which is 20th June 2019 and Devolver Digital are keen to keep the hype train of PR running for developer Deadtoast's simply bizarre yet captivating title.
Check below for the PR and more importantly a hype-inducing trailer...
Developer Deadtoast and bananas label Devolver Digital have announced that the massively anticipated My Friend Pedro launches on June 20 via Nintendo Switch and PC. Eager banana combatants can pre-order the game on Nintendo Switch and save 15 percent off the standard $19.99 price [].
My Friend Pedro is a violent ballet about friendship, imagination, and one man’s struggle to obliterate anyone in his path at the behest of a sentient banana. The strategic use of split aiming, slow motion, and the ol’ stylish window breach create one sensational action sequence after another in an explosive battle through the violent underworld.
Visit to chat with Pedro himself and follow @deadtoast_com for red hot gifs to impress your friends and family.
Now that is how you announce a release date!
Are you now officially hyped for My Friend Pedro? Because here at N-Europe we most certainly are.
Let us know your thoughts in the comments section or join in with the discussion on our forum.