N-Europe launches the N-Europe Show

Posted 16 Feb 2016 at 10:07 by Ashley Jones
We promised you big things were coming in 2016 and we're starting with the launch of our brand new video series the N-Europe Show (the NES, but not that NES).
We're proud to share with you the first episode in our regular video series looking at recent Nintendo news and events as well as discussions about what is on the horizon for Nintendo.
In this first episode Jonathan looks at My Nintendo, Miitomo and what is in store for 2016. He also looks at what we know about the NX so far and what we may be able to expect from Nintendo's upcoming console.
Jonathan also speaks to Joe Merrick, longtime N-Europe affiliate and forum member but more importantly the guy in charge of Serebii.net, about the 20th anniversary of Pokémon and what's upcoming for the mega franchise including Virtual Console release, Pokken, the concert tour and more.
Finally, Jonathan looks at what has been going on in the forum including whether Nintendo is losing young gamers, the launch of the 2016 Gaming Diary, community events such as the Mario Kart League and Smash Bros Tournament as well as the retro game competition.
Be sure to comment on the video letting us know your thoughts, what you'd like to see and any questions you may have. We're really looking forward to what we have in store for you on the N-Europe Show and can't wait for you to get involved.
We will also be releasing N-Europe Mario Kart League videos where you can see our forum members race against each other. The first week is below, but be sure to check out week 2 and week 3 on the N-Europe YouTube channel.
If you think you can do better, make sure you sign up to the League on the forums.
We've also been beating each other senseless in Super Smash Bros recently for the N-Europe Smash Anniversary Tournament. Be sure to watch the highlights below and see who comes out on top.
If you like what you see and wish to see more, make sure youlike and subscribe to our videos and stick around to N-Europe as this is just the start of many wonderful things in 2016!