N-Europe: Why We Changed

Why we changed

Written by Conor

Welcome to N-Europe. Gosh, we're not that good at keeping secrets, are we?

If you guessed our big news was the name change, well done. If you correctly guessed the name domain name, as some of our forum folk did, then double well done. And if you just got fed up of the waiting, forgot about it, and left to make a cup of tea, we can't blame you. I'm thinking that even if you weren't involved in the sleuthing on the boards, then the name change won't come as a huge surprise... we could hardly stay as Revolution Europe after all.

The renaming in September was unfortunate, but without going into much detail, do know that with everything else changing with the website it made sense in the time. When it became clear that Revolution was just a codename, we got nervous: when Nintendo made the Wii announcement... well, let's just say they found me on the floor. Remember, all decisions are easier in hindsight of course. But what's done is done, what matters now is the future, and N-Europe.

A few readers are probably wondering why our new moniker isn't the more predictable Wii-Europe. Given the tradition of renaming the site this seemed the obvious way to go, and it was discussed at length by the staff, but we felt it was time for a change. Truth be told, changing every console generation is a hassle: going for a solid name that we can stick with and build on is more advantageous in the long run. We had to decide on a new name then, with only one rule: the "-Europe" suffix had to be kept. We're not for completely abandoning our roots after all. Thus, finally, a stroke of brilliance occured and the perfectly simple name of N-Europe was conceived. Nintendo, Europe. If you don't like it then you may have to get used to it, because it ain't going nowhere.

For the moment that's the only real change: you'll be visiting the same boards, and reading the same material by the same staff, and we still love Nintendo as much as we did as Revo-Europe. But we have plans to improve and expand, and make N-Europe the place you guys are going to want to hit for Nintendo content. There'll be no 'subtle' clues, but a major addition to the site is currently being prepared for unveiling soon: we're excited about it, and we think you're going to like it too. No guessing games though, you'll have to just wait and find out. This particular addition aside, do expect us to maintain our editiorial standard, and improve on it over the coming months and beyond.

It's just a few short months until Nintendo enter the next generation of console hardware with a system that looks to shake up how we play, and regard, games. Rest assured, N-Europe is going to be over that like a bad rash. Hold tight dear readers, we have exciting years ahead of us, and we hope to be an amicable companion throughout it all.

Conor Smyth,
Revo-Europe N-Europe

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