N-Europe's Top 25 Wii Games - Voting Closed

Posted 21 Sep 2012 at 16:00 by Joshua Phillips
The Wii has played host to some of the most diverse, entertaining and outright wacky games available so it should come as no surprise that, as the Wii enters its final months, we celebrate the last 6 years of motion-controlled entertainment.
It's with this in mind that we need you, the readers and the gamers, to devise the definitive list of must-have Wii games. What title was your favourite? What games did you end up playing until the early hours? We want to know, so join us on our forums to list your top 10 Wii games.
- Over the next 3 weeks we'll ask you to list Your Top 10 Wii Games!
- By scoring all the games based on their position in your list, they will be Culminated into N-Europe's Top 25 Wii Games! So we need you all to vote!
- Then over 5 weeks starting in October and in the run-up to the Wii U's potential November launch...
N-Europe will run a weekly feature counting down Your Choices from #25-21... #20-16... #15-11... #10-6 and #5-1. - Tell us why you have listed the titles you have as some of your comments may appear in the Final Feature!
Join the forums now and...
Vote for your favourite titles!
so get your votes in ASAP to have your say.
Remember if you don't vote your voice can't be heard!