N64, DS, and more Wii games confirmed for Wii U Virtual Console

Nintendo have announced a host of classic games to be released on the Wii U eShop, some of which are available right now!

Nintendo DS and N64 games will be rolled out under the Virtual Console banner, the first of which are Mario Kart DS, WarioWare Touched, Super Mario 64, and Donkey Kong 64.

These games are all available right now, and running up til April 16th is a special promotion whereby if you buy three of them, you get the fourth for free. Confirmed games for the future are Paper Mario and Yoshi's Island DS.

Also coming are more Wii games. April 16th brings the late, little-played Wii action title Pandora's Tower, whilst April 30th sees the release of the cult sequel Sin & Punishment: Successor of the Skies. With these kinds of games being so tricky to find the first time around, now's the perfect time to experience them.

Each Wii title will also have 25% knocked off the price for their first week on the eShop.

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