NEShow Episode 4 - Rumble Mumble, Exclusive Star Fox Zero Preview, Sponge Bath Goodness

Posted 19 Apr 2016 at 17:06 by Joshua Phillips
Jonathan is back for episode 4 of the NEShow! This episode, Jonathan is dragged away from the wonderful world of Miitomo to talk Star Fox, which includes all of your wonderful memories of the series, along with forum highlights, Mario Kart League drama and the latest news!
Not only that, but Dean provides us with an exclusive preview of Star Fox Zero and if your space travel skills are good enough, you could bag yourself a copy of Star Fox 64 3D for your 3DS thanks to the NEShow Monthly Contest!
Links included in the video:
1, What Happens NX? #1 - Third Parties
2, E3 2016 General Thread
3, Which Game Are You Mostly Looking Forward To This Year?
4, The N-Europe Smash Bros Tourney #2 Thread
5, Mario Kart League 2016
6, Subscribe! (Just shoot it Fox!)