New Animal Crossing: Lets Go to the City DLC available for Wii

Posted 02 Aug 2012 at 11:27 by Joshua Phillips
Animal Crossing: Let's Go to the City is providing gamers with free DLC to try and claw them back into their forgotten land and rip out all of those pesky weeds. So, just what fantastic item did Nintendo have in mind? If you bump into Pete (the postman) between August 1st and 14th you'll receive... a Creepy Carpet!
Quite why Nintendo are providing us with creepy furniture at this time of year is unclear but if you're a fan of this wretched carpet then you'll be glad to know that similar furniture is on the way. Every two weeks a new piece in the Creepy Series will become available.
We're not sure why Nintendo have decided to provide gamers with DLC after all this time but perhaps they just wanted to relive the joys of 2009? Whilst on this trip down memory lane, Nintendo would appreciate it if you bought yourself a new DSi but in typical '09 fashion, be sure not to catch 'Bieber Fever' whilst in the process. Oh wait... Nintendo is hoping for both.
"If you had a DSi I'd never let you go, swag, swag, swag..."
Nintendo really are making this Summer pretty creepy.