New Chibi-Robo & Denpa Men 3 announced during Japanese Nintendo Direct

Posted 03 Jul 2013 at 08:00 by Mohamed Ali
As ever, Nintendo keeps us on our toes with another unanticipated Nintendo Direct. This time Satoru Iwata announced "Chibi-Robo Photography" for the Nintendo 3DS eShop. The game features a variety of mini-games focusing on systems camera functions. Take pictures of real life objects, turn them into "Nostaljunk" by matching up the objects against silhouettes and add them to the museum. The game is available now for 1500 Yen on the Japanese eShop. You can download a demo too.
Those crazy Denpa Men are also coming back for more in Denpa Men 3 which will arrive as another 3DS Download Software. Don't worry, you can import all of your Denpa Men from the previous two games to help you out in their latest adventure.
This time around some new features have been introduced including the ability to capture monsters and use them to fight for you and now you can make houses for your Denpan Men too. You can also visit islands such as Bazaar Island, Rental Island and Auto Antenna Tower for auto-capture.
Denpa Men 1 & 2 will both receive a short-term 50% discount. Denpa Men 3 will arrive on August 7th for 1000 Yen. Demo will be available for download from July 31st.
Other announcements include a new YNN application for the Wii U allowing users to view content such as anime, dramas & variety shows which can be watched on the TV or the GamePad, the app will arrive in August. A new food delivery service named "Demae-Can" will be available in July and a "Bandai Channel" providing a wide range of Anime programming and a free 1 month trial is set to arrive in August. Finally a new Limited Edition Chibi-Robo themed Wii U was annnounced as part of a promotion.
Are you excited for to see Chibi-Robo Photography and Denpa Men 3?
Here's the full Nintendo Direct presentation.
Thanks to Daan Koopman & Cheesemeister for the translations.