New info for Pokémon Sword and Shield to be shared on 7th August

Posted 06 Aug 2019 at 22:05 by Sam C Gittins
It would appear that The Pokémon Company will have new information to share about the upcoming Switch titles Pokémon Sword and Shield on 7th August at the following times...
– 2 PM in the UK
– 3 PM in Europe
– 6 AM PT
– 9 AM ET
This is what was put out in the original Tweet...
Galar Research Update
Show of hands, Trainers: Who’s ready for more information on #PokemonSwordShield?
It seems that we can expect a trailer at the very least and hopefully some promising information which might raise the anticipation for these titles before their release in a few months, either way we'll bring you the latest info here on N-Europe soon after its broadcast.
Are you looking forward to Pokémon Sword and Shield? Do you intend to wait on the reviews? Will this be a must-have or a title in the series which you might skip instead?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments section or join in with the discussion on our forum.