New Pokémon Sun/Moon features shown!

Posted 06 Sep 2016 at 13:19 by Dennis Tummers
As the release of Pokémon Sun and Moon for Nintendo 3DS approaches, we get more and more information. Today's trailer shows off a number of new Pokémon and intriguing features.
First, a number of new Pokémon are shown off, including Alolan Raticate (type Dark/Normal), Type: Null (a man-made Normal type), and the Dragon type Jangmo-o. Zygarde will also feature in the game. You will be given the Zygarde Cube, which lets you collect bits of Zygarde's cells and cores.
There is also a time difference of 12 hours between the events in Pokémon Sun and Moon. So when it is noon in the one version, it is midnight in the other. It is not yet known if the game's legendaries have anything to do with this, although it seems plausible.
Furthermore, Ultra Beasts are revealed, still shrouded in mystery. The first one shown is the jellyfish-like UB-01. Also new is the Aether Foundation, a group which owns an artificial island, made for taking care of Pokémon. Especially the ones hurt by Team Skull. However it seems there is more to this foundation than meets the eye.
Finally the game features a camera option, which lets you take pictures of Pokémon roaming around. Pokémon Snap minigame anyone?
You can watch the full announcement below!