New Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon details

Posted 18 Aug 2017 at 12:51 by Ashley Jones
With just three months to go until Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, The Pokémon Company has released some new details about the upcoming Nintendo 3DS titles and things do not appear to be peaceful in Alola as the dark clouds of Necrozma descend upon the region.
As well as new customisable styles for the main characters and a new in-game Z-Power Ring with a wider range of Z-Moves (also available as a physical toy) a brand new Ultra Duel edition has been announced, combining both games in one package.
While Sun and Moon focused on the legendary Pokémon Solgaleo and Lunala, in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon the story shifts to focus on Necrozma and the ominous clouds that are spreading across the Alola region.
The games are due to be released on November 17th and a brand new trailer is available to watch below.