New Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon trailer and details

Posted 05 Oct 2017 at 15:11 by Ashley Jones
Prepare to find out more about Ultra Wormholes in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon as the mysterious occurrences from Sun and Moon will be explained in more details in next month's sequel.
Players can ride Solgaleo and Lunala to travel through the Ultra Wormholes to visit different worlds, including the troubled Ultra Megalopolis.
During the game you will also come across the Ultra Recon Squad, visitors from beyond an Ultra Wormhole. The story will be told from different perspectives across the two games, with Dulse and Zossie's story being central to Ultra Sun and Soliera and Phyco's story taking place in Ultra Moon.
Three new Ultra Beasts will appear in the new games. UB Adhesive will feature across both as part of the Ultra Recon Squad storyline, while UB Burst will appear in Ultra Sun and UB Assembly will appear in Ultra Moon.
UB Adhesive
Type: Poison
This Ultra Beast’s head is filled with venom and it shoots this venom out from the poisonous needle on the top of its head. It is said to be intelligent enough to understand human speech and displays many emotions.
UB Burst
Type: Fire/Ghost
UB Burst has a head made up of a collection of curious sparks, which it can remove and make explode. It tricks targets into letting their guard down with its funny behaviour then, when its opponent is close, it surprises them by blowing up its head without warning.
UB Assembly
Type: Rock/Steel
This Ultra Beast is a collection of many life-forms. While it appears to be made up of stones stacked atop one another, each “stone” is in fact a separate life-form. When confronting opponents, the eyes on each of its stones begin to glow bright red.
A new trailer for the games can be seen below.