News: 1 Million Cubes Shipped

Yep, Europe is being invaded by the GameCube!

Not just release dates have been announced today. Nintendo has also said it now has shipped a total of 1 million GameCube consoles to Europe.

Gameswire has smartly calculated that that works out to be around 90,000 GameCubes being shipped across Europe. Every. Single. Week.

Ok. 1 Million shipped in Europe lets see our new totals:

1M Europe + 2.23 US(3/31) + 1.53(3/31) = 4.8M Shipped + 4 mo. of additional shipments in JPN and USA. That means Nintendo must have shipped over 5 million GameCube consoles worldwide by now. (thanks to Gahiggidy for the calculation)

There is a chance of beating the PS2 if Nintendo does well during christmas. We will keep you updated!

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