News: 100-Year-Old Nan Swears by DS

Posted 01 Feb 2012 at 08:27 by Ashley Jones
A 100-year-old gaming grandmother thanks the Nintendo DS for her sharp mind.
As Kathleen Connell celebrates her centenarian it is not her letter from the Queen that she most treasures but her Nintendo DS that she claims has helped keep her mind sharp.
Kit, as she is known to her friends, enjoys a range of mentally challenging titles such as Art Academy, Scrabble and the ever-popular Brain Training according to The Telegraph who spoke to the gaming granny. She plays the console every night and told the paper she doesn't know what she would do without it.
Continuing her praise of the console Ms. Connell claims that the Nintendo DS has helped to keep her mind active and is helping prevent her brain from becoming too forgetful. She also suggests that school children should use the Nintendo DS software at school for spelling and mathematics before adding that she "can't speak highly enough" for the Nintendo DS.