News: 3D Trailers Arrive on 3DS

Posted 01 Jul 2011 at 10:25 by Joshua Phillips
NOE confirm that from today, July 1st, you will be able to download trailers of upcoming 3DS games that Nintendo showcased at E3.
It seems that the 3D trailers have finally landed on our 3D handhelds. After all this time people were starting to wonder if we would ever see the trailers in 3D but it appears Nintendo have heard the fans comments and delivered the goods. Currently up for download are 5 trailers showcasing big games such as Mario Kart 3D, Star Fox 64 3D and Super Mario.
That's not all though as from next week you will also be able to download 3D trailers for Animal Crossing, Luigi's Mansion 2 and Kid Icarus.
To download all of the free trailers a System Update must be performed, you will most likely be prompted to update your system but you can also do it manually by going into the system settings. Nintendo haven't stated whether more 3D trailers will be available in future but it is now more than likely that we will get regular updates of 3D goodness to view on our handhelds.
Nintendo have promised 3D trailers ever since E3 and have finally delivered so are you excited to finally see them? Or do you think it's taken too long for them to become available?