News: 3DS Package And Battery Details

Posted 08 Jan 2011 at 03:36 by Stephen Thomson
All you need to know about what will be included within the 3DS box and system. Battery life span included!
After what has felt to be a long silence, information about the 3DS and it's details are now being revealed at Nintendo World in Japan. Now N-Europe can give you all the details you'll need to know for when you pick up the revolutionary handheld.
What you will get within the box on the day of purchase will be as follows:
Nintendo 3DS Console
Nintendo 3DS Charger Stand
AC Adapter
Nintendo 3DS Stylus
2 GB SD Memory Card
6 Augmented Reality Cards
Quick Start Guide
Instructions VBooklet
Console Guarantee
Built-in software for the system includes:
Nintendo 3DS Cameras
Nintendo 3DS Sound
Mii studio
Mii Plaza
AR Games
Kiro Book
Shooting and Face
As for the all important battery details for the system, assuming the player keeps all brightness settings on maximum and the wireless on, for playing 3DS titles the battery life span will be between 3 to 5 hours. Normal DS titles have a 5-8 hour battery span. The 3DS will take roughly around 3 hours to charge the system.
Stay with N-Europe for more Japanese launch details and information from the Nintendo World event.