News: 3DS Shop Channel Showcased

The 3DS Shop Channel promises to be smoother, easier to use and offer tonnes of game information and media...

At a recent briefing, Nintendo's president Satoru Iwata gave investors a glimpse of the upcoming 3DS's Shop Channel interface.

As well as having its own '3DSiWare' range of original games available, the system will also offer 3D versions of Game Boy and Game Boy Colour classics. The store itself is promised to be much smoother than current Wii and DSi owners are used to. The 3DS store will offer sales and promotional facilities in one; think of the Wii's Shop Channel mixed with the Nintendo Channel.

That means the service will be perfectly friendly for window shopping. Users can toggle through games, now organised on different 'racks' to suit their 'themes', and will be presented with a host of information, media and other players' feedback. It's also been reported that downloadable demos will be available.

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