News: 7 Downloadable Titles Herald Retro Week

Posted 03 Jul 2009 at 08:35 by Nathan Whincup
A smashing seven titles are now available on Nintendo's three downloadable services in today's weekly update.
Are excess Nintendo Points burning holes in your virtual wallets? Nintendo's download update for this week brings a whopping seven new, mostly retro-themed, titles for the Virtual Console, WiiWare and DSiWare.
Heralding the return of the Hanabi Festival, the Virtual Console welcomes two new (or rather old) titles including SEGA's cult Mega Drive platformer Pulseman, and strategy RPG Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen. Both titles are available for 900 Wii Points.
On the WiiWare front, the retro theme continues with the release of Viennese developer Bplus' third title, BitBoy!!, which takes players through generations of chip tunes and blindingly bright pixels - look out for an N-Europe interview with the developers very soon. Gradius Rebirth brings some classic 2D side-scrolling shooter action to WiiWare, bringing with it new features such as replays and online leaderboards. Both of these titles are again available for the same price - 600 Wii Points.
Jumping over to the DSi Shop, Gameloft's Brain Challenge (800 Nintendo Points), a brain trainer similar to Professor Kawashima's own DS offering, brings cranial stimulation to the DSi, and even takes advantage of some of the DSi's more unique features, including the ability to take pictures of yourself in-game. And for a final slice of retro 'fun', Nintendo have resurrected some old Mario sprites and chucked them into a Mario Calculator and Mario Clock, available for 200 Nintendo Points a piece.