News: A Boy And His DS Saves Mum

An 8 year old boy saves his mother from a car accident thanks to his Nintendo DS.

Back in July this year, a then 7 year old Christopher Miszkowiec is now seen as a hero due to saving his mother life thanks to his trusty Nintendo DS. He used the light from the DS in order to drag his mother from a car wreckage due to an accident that resulted in the car rolling over 4 times.

The accident occured when the family was driving from from Doreen to Bendigo when a Kangaroo appeared that caused the mother to swerve to try and avoid hitting it. After the crash Christopher then used his DS in order to find his way round to his mother releasing ehr seatbelt and reassuring her.

Christopher then went on to get a medal to receive a medal of heroism from Ambulance Victoria.

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