News: A Rare apology

Rare squirm under zealot pressure. Their full apology, totally uncut.

The servering of ties between Rareware and Nintendo not only sent shockwaves throughout the industry, but also hit the fans of Nintendo's strongest ally hard. In an attempt to rectify Rare's relationship with their Nintendo-loving fans, the Scribes section of Rareware's online vista offers somewhat of an apology. Well, sort of.

''I can't give you a full and frank corporate explanation of the decision beyond what's already available on the site, but here's my take on the whole thing: it was a business decision,'' mutters the anonymous Rare employee.

''This is a business. The people who laid the foundations of Rare 20 years ago and still run it to this day have every right to choose their own roads through the industry, and the need to survive and evolve as a company doesn't necessarily cancel out the urge to go on making damn good games. Also, Rare is not totally oblivious to the fact that the ups and downs of the gaming world mean a lot more to some people than others, and it goes without saying that nobody here set out to do anything as self-destructive as intentionally causing bad feeling within the established fanbase.'' Mr X continues.

''Trust me when I say that none of the decisions made over the last few months were made lightly.
At the end of the day, however, it's not as if Rare has stopped making games entirely. We're still out there, still working as hard as ever. All that's changed is the platform, as it has many times before in the past (something the Timeline was meant to emphasise), and I don't see how you can argue the case for any kind of 'betrayal' when there's still a solid relationship with Nintendo in place - how do you think we intended to manage future GBA development without it?''

''For myself, I'd like to thank all of you who took the time to send in death threats and personal abuse, as it made the email-reading ritual every morning something to really look forward to. Thanks a lot.''

Ooh er, that went on for quite a bit. To be perfectly honest I was damn angry when Rare announced they were leaving Nintendo for good. Not only because I wouldn't see their games gracing my beloved Cube, but also it marked an end of an era. Call me sentimental, but Rare and Nintendo fitted together so perfectly. Like Morecambe and Wise, the two Ronnies, Delboy and Rodney (ok, so a bad example), they were starcrossed lovers who so ultimately couldn't make it through. Their 'apology' offers no consolation towards this. Microsoft and Rare? It makes me sick. Who's next on Wild O' Bill's plan for mass market domination? Nintendo?

The only remotely satisifying part of their apology comes with their Gameboy Advance development confirmation. Banjo Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge is still on the cards, yet Diddy Kong Pilot now seems undestined for release. Times are hard, but Nintendo always pull through. Time for some sleep I think . . .

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