Gladiator: Sword of Vengeance

News: Acclaim Gets Bloody

Acclaim, eh? What will they think of next? According to reports, Acclaim have begun preparations for a brave new marketing campaign to promote their newest offering "Gladiator: Sword Of Vengeance"

The campaign will see posters for the game on the streets equipped with "blood packs" (no, not the guys from Blade 2) that will ooze out time-released red liquid onto the posters and the streets. Preparing for this, Acclaim have hired cleaners to monitor the posters and ensure that hygiene and safety laws are maintained on the streets.

This is the next in a long line of "innovative" marketing stunts pulled by the company to promote its games. Lest we forget, a bunch of idiots legally changed their names to Turok in order to publicise Acclaims shoddy FPS franchise. I can't help but feel Acclaims efforts would be more wisely directed into making the games better and innovative rather than their marketing campaigns.

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