News: Ace Attorney Film Details

Posted 27 Oct 2011 at 06:48 by Ashley Jones
We have an image from the Ace Attorney film as well as a Japanese release date and a promise of an impending trailer.
When it was announced that Takashi Miike is directing a Phoenix Wright film fans were surprised to say the least. Now the film appears to be nearing completion as more details are emerging.
In Japan the film will be called Gyakuten Saiban, the Japanese name for Ace Attorney, and it is due to open in Japanese theatres on February 11th. PornoGraffitti is set to sing the film's theme song according to Andriasang. Capcom has launched a teaser website, which doesn't say much at the moment but does promise a trailer will be released on November 5th.
Fans who can't wait until next week can enjoy this still from the film: