Ace Attorney Investigations 2

News: Ace Attorney Investigations 2 Chapter 3 Info

We have brand new information about and screens from Ace Attorney Investigations 2.

The official website for Ace Attorney Investigations 2 has been updated to include details of the game's third chapter. Andriasang has very kindly translated this information into English and this particular chapter is a bit different from normal ones.

Warning: this article contains spoilers for Ace Attorney Investigations 2

As usual there are a bunch of key characters in every chapter and this one features, amongst others, Miles Edgeworth's father Gregory. Gregory Edgeworth is the head of Mitsurugi Law Office and taught Tateyuki Shigaraki everything he knows. The first Phoenix Wright game focused on the death of Gregory Edgeworth and as such this chapter takes place 18 years in the past and players will learn the truth about Gregory. Tateyuki Shigaraki is a hard working young man who aspires to be a top lawyer. He has a strong sense of justice but still has some indulgent areas that get in the way of his studying.

No case is complete without a celebrity and in this chapter than celebrity is Issei Tenkai. He is known for his television programme "Dansweets" in which he mixes his pastry chef skills with dancing and singing. When he is moved he will burst into song, which often surprises those around him. It is Tenkai who summons Gregory to prison after he is accused of a crime. Tsukasa Oyashiki is his on stage partner and she also helps to look after the Tenkai manor. While she loves singing and dancing she becomes incapable of seeing everything around her when she dances.

During this chapter you will play as Gregory rather than his son Miles. Some of the characters featured in the past will also feature in the present day, such as Shigaraki who goes from eager student to a shrewd lawyer.

More images can be found in the screenshot gallery.

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