News: Action Replay Updated

Posted 08 Jan 2004 at 21:01 by guest
The newest version of Datel's game-busting Action Replay for the GameCube has hit UK shelves. Click on for the scoop.
Datel has answered the cheating public's prayers by updating their Action Replay hardware to work with the latest titles to hit the GameCube. Action Replay v1.10 hit UK shelves today, with an improved interface for quick and easy use. Games including, and not limited to, Mario Kart Double Dash!!, Tony Hawk's Underground, Soul Calibur II, Viewtiful Joe and Lord of the Rings: Return of the King have all been added to the Action Replay database, meaning you can cheat to your heart's content on all the latest titles.
If you already own the previous version, you can update via a CD which you can purchase for �9.99. However, if you're a first time buyer, you can get the full version for a penny under thirty quid. And don't forget; Action Replay's FreeLoader function allows you to play NTSC (American and Japanese) games on your PAL (European) GameCube, so if you're looking to play the magnificent Animal Crossing on your 'cube, now may be the time to splash out.