News: Actors To Voice True Crime

The stars of Hollywood, including Gary Oldman, line up to voice True Crime: Streets Of L.A.

Famous Actors including Christopher Walken, Gary Oldman and Michael Madsen have signed up to voice Activision's new crime game, True Crime: Streets Of L.A. The actors were hired to bring to life the game, which is full of gangsters, street hustlers, social deviants and reluctant heroes. The game, which will available in fall 2003, is inspired by Hong Kong action flicks and American crime dramas and will appear on GameCube, Xbox and Playstation 2.

The game puts you in the shoes of Nick Kang, a rogue ex-cop, in the beautifully recreated city of Los Angeles, full of recognisable landmarks and miles of authentic streets.

Here is the full list of Actors hired to voice the title:

Christopher Walken, Gary Oldman, Michael Madsen, Russell Wong, Michelle Rodriguez, Ron Perlman, CCH Pounder, James Hong, Mako and Keone Young.

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