News: All New Pokémon Revealed

Posted 17 Sep 2010 at 04:42 by Ashley Jones
All 156 of the new Pokémon for Black and White have finally been revealed but European gamers looking to import have hit a snag.
Our affiliate site has managed to get screen captures of all of the new 156 Pokémon in Black and White. As has been previously reported for the first time in the series players will not be able to capture Pokémon from previous generations until the main story is completed.
Be sure to check out the website as well as there is a whole host of new information about the games being unveiled there including details of new TMs, the new Elite Four and new Gym Leaders amongst other things.
Any European gamers who are looking to import the titles may have some problems on their hands. NGamer are reporting that they will not play on a European DSi. While they will work on a Euro DS Lite they will only work on a Japanese version of the DSi.