Assassin's Creed: Altair's Chronicles

News: Altair's Chronicles Gives Up More Secrets

Ubisoft let loose more details on the robed assassin's handheld debut.

Although it has been known for some time that Altair's Chronicles is a prequel to the Xbox 360 and PS3 best seller Assassin's Creed, only now, amongst other game features, have plot details been unveiled. Any Monty Python or Indiana Jones fans will recognise this immediately � Altair is on a quest to steal the Holy Grail from the hands of the Templars � presumably stabbing several people along the way, if the game follows on from it's console big brother. Other than a rather nifty hidden blade, you also have 10 other weapons at your disposal (an improvement over it's predecessor), including several types of swords and daggers, and, a N-Europe personal favourite, pots of Greek Fire.

The sword combos make a return, as do the stealth kills, and, possibly most crucially, the free running across the roof tops of Damascus, Jerusalem, and Arce all rendered in complete 3D, and with their own look and style � Acre is partially ruined and populated mainly nu Christians, Damascus is an untouched city of minarets, and Jerusalem is a mix, having changed hands several times throughout the previous two crusades, along with the third, in which game is set. Information gathering returns, 1191-style, with touch-screen controlled interrogations and pickpocketing.

For even more information on Assassin's Creed: Altair's Chronicles, all you need to do is stay tuned to N-Europe.

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