News: Angry Birds WiiWare Coming 2011

Posted 11 Dec 2010 at 21:25 by Aaron Clegg
Rovio Mobile's chief confirms that the smash hit Angry Birds will be flocking to consoles next year...
Last month, we reported that Angry Birds, the hugely popular mobile puzzle app would be making its way to consoles, including WiiWare. While all we got was a brief glimpse of the developer's plans for the game, it looks like Rovio has now confirmed the console iteration for next year.
Speaking at LeWeb (via, Rovio Mobile's CEO Mikael Hed reiterated plans to bring the IP to consoles:
"Next year, we will definitely move into consoles as well... We are most interested in the download model side."
Angry Birds has become of the runaway downloadable hits in recent times, with over 50 million downloads in one year.