News: Another Five For Virtual Console

Stepping away from that other title out today, here's a round up of another five (count 'em) retro games hitting the VC.

Nintendo of Europe seem to be sticking to a pattern of alternate Fridays for Virtual Console and WiiWare releases - with two weeks worth of retro titles now becoming available at once every fortnight.

This week's releases are spread across four past platforms. Cybernoid and Summer Games 2 from the Commodore 64 are now available for 500 Wii Points. From the NeoGeo also comes, King of the Monsters, for 900 Points.

The SNES is represented by Pac-Attack, available to play for 800 Points, while the Megadrive's Super Fantasy Zone round out the releases - also available for 800 Points.

Full reviews are as usual on their way from our Virtual Console guru Sam in the next issue of VC Weekly, online very soon.

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