News: Aonuma Dreams About A Zelda Movie

Posted 24 Jul 2011 at 17:48 by Ashley Jones
Asked what he'd do with an unlimited budget Eiji Aonuma claims he'd make a Zelda movie.
Video games turned into movies have had a troubled past. They tend to either be out right awful, such as Super Mario Bros., or okay but not close to the source material, such as Resident Evil. While Capcom is currently pursuing a Phoenix Wright movie they are not the only company thinking about turning one of their beloved franchises into a film.
Speaking to Nintendo Power Eiji Aonuma was asked what he would do to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Zelda series if he had an unlimited budget. His response touches upon an idea others have had in the past: "I always thought it would be really cool to have a real Zelda movie, something really grand and sweeping".
However, don't be expecting anything yet, as Mr. Aonuma is a very busy man. "I have neither the time nor the wherewithal for all that," he claims before adding, "and even if I did have the money to make such a movie, I don't know if it would turn out well". Given that many adaptations tend to get panned by both fans and critics we don't blame him for being cautious.
While Eiji Aonuma claims he fantasies about "how cool it would be if something like that would happen sometime in the future," what do you think of a Zelda movie? Could you make a film based on a series in which the main hero doesn't work and do you think it could beat the video game adaptation curse?