News: Aonuma Likes His Tea Table Upended

Do not try chabudai gaeshi at home...

Shigeru Miyamoto may be one of, if not the, most respected figure in the industry, but it's no secret to Nintendo gamers that he's built a reputation of coming in late in a development process and demanding radical changes. This is perhaps no more apparent than with the Legend of Zelda series.

You'd think it would attract the ire of Nintendo's developers, but on the contrary, chief Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma has come out quite in favour of Miyamoto's disruptive methods. Speaking to Industry Gamers, Aonuma clarified:

"Well, back at GDC, when that conversation was presented, I think it painted a picture of Mr. Miyamoto's role inside the company as coming in and being a really disruptive force in the development process, but I view it a very different way and I think a lot of people do. It's that his time to come in and flip things on their head is part of the development timeline. It's an event that happens. It's almost a ritual in that sense. And it's a necessary process, because I find that when he offers that feedback, a lot of the time, he points out things that I, myself, was having trouble with and maybe felt that I couldn't solve or didn't have a good time for or felt like we didn't have the time for and he comes in and really gives focus to everything. So I'd really like to reinforce that fact that I don't view the process that people refer to as 'upending the tea table' as something unpleasant. It's actually quite necessary and useful."

It isn't clear whether Miyamoto-san was in the room during this interview or not.

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