News: Aonuma: Motion Controls Here to Stay

Posted 12 Dec 2011 at 18:59 by Aaron Clegg
Standard button controls for Zelda would be a step back, indicates Eiji Aonuma
Future console Zelda games will not revert back to standard button controls after the unilateral implementation of motion controls in Skyward Sword, according to series producer Eiji Aonuma.
Speaking to ONM, Aonuma stated: "I honestly think we cannot go back to button controls now, so I think that [MotionPlus] controls will be used in future Zelda titles, too."
The next main Zelda title is, at the least, in the planning stages for Wii U. At E3 this year, a Zelda 'experience' prototype (pictured) was demoed, with the Wii U tablet controller being used to display the player's inventory. Nintendo stated that ideas on show in the demo are mere possibilities of what could feature in the next Zelda game.
It is likely the next Zelda to see the light of day will be the in-development 3DS title; confirmed to be an all new game.