News: Aonuma Teases Zelda 3DS & Wii U

Posted 12 Sep 2011 at 11:05 by Aaron Clegg
Eiji Aonuma drops some hints about his plans for the next original Zelda instalments....
With Skyward Sword imminent, Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma has been doing the press rounds. In a hefty encounter with Game Informer, he spoke quite candidly about his plans for the franchise on both 3DS and Wii U.
On the topic of Zelda 3DS, the conversation went against the grain of a recent demand for a Majora's Mask remake, instead touching upon an original entry. Aonuma said that he wanted to do something "very interesting" on the handheld. Indeed, the game might already be quite a bit in development, with him adding "it will be a game in which having 3D will mean something."
As for the team's inevitable Wii U title, Aonuma recalled the E3 HD demo, and reaffirmed that the actual game would not necessarily resemble what we've currently seen.
"The demo that we showed at E3 was really just more of a rough idea of if all we were to do was to take a Zelda game and put it in HD, this is what it might look like. We're much more interested in looking at the power of the Wii U system and seeing how we can take advantage of that power to do things that we haven't been able to do in a Zelda game before.... One of our goals with [Skyward Sword] is to be the first step in illustrating for people how the Zelda series can change and evolve."

With Skyward Sword already looking to shake things up quite significantly with MotionPlus controls, one can only imagine what directions the series might take in the future.