News: Apex Announce "Console"

Posted 06 Jan 2004 at 22:08 by guest
Apex Digital, the producers of America's top-selling DVD players, will be unveiling their new "games console" on Thursday. Click on to find out more details.
Not strictly Nintendo, but we feel you have the right to know about this latest attempt at breaking the console market. California-based DVD player specialists, Apex Digital, have revealed that they will be unveiling their PC-in-a-box games console on Thursday. The ApeXtreme PC game console is designed for the living room, and plays over 2,000 PC games on your television, while still resembling a games console. The platform is essentially a PC dressed as a console- supposedly making it more convenient to play PC games on your television, a feat which hasn't been possible to achieve in the past due to slow loading times and ultimately, inconvenience.
The console will be on sale for $399, with another version selling for $299. This may seem expensive compared to the prices of the current consoles, but Apex are keen to emphasise that the PSX-esque machine will be able to play MP3 music, videos and slideshows. Interestingly, the company which Apex currently outsells in the DVD market, Sony, released the PSX recently- a souped up PlayStation 2 with features not un-similar to the ApeXtreme, which sells for a mighty $800 in Japan. Also of note, is the fact that the machine doesn't hide its PC origins, it runs a simplified version of Windows XP. This news comes as ABS Computer and Alienware, PC Gaming specialists, announce they are attempting the same feat, by launching living-room based PC consoles