News: Arcade Action Title Geon Heading To Wii

Ported and enhanced from the Xbox Live Arcade comes Geon - heading to Wii. Check out the first screens inside...

Despite originally launching on the Live Arcade, this new version of Geon is being called the "definitive version" by publishers Pinnacle Software and has been developed specially for the Wii. Developers Strawdog Studios (from Derby in the UK) have included a greatly expanded roster of gameplay features and enhancements.

Playing as a 'Geon' cube, players frantically race against up to three other opponents to collect pellets and deposit them in the opponent's goal to score. At the same time players fight desperately to prevent their opponents from scoring by the tactical use of eight different powerballs including 'Rage' which lays down a layer of spikes that can block an opponent or trap them, and 'Greed' which sucks up pellets enabling the scoring of a fast goal. All of the powerballs significantly alters the ebb and flow of each game and allows each player to develop their own unique strategies in their quest to be the first to score five goals and win the match.

Geon features a variety of single player and multiplayer modes including Duel Career Mode where your aim is to progress to the top of the four Geon leagues, or Duel and Time Attack modes which features 16 and 32 unique grids respectively and where mini games can be unlocked along the way. Alternatively, take on your friends in two or four person split screen multi-player battles.

Pinnacle have sent us these first colourful screens for your delectation - click below for more:

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