News: Aussie 1080� and Broadband Date

Nintendo of Australia has shed some light on its release dates for 1080� Avalanche and the Broadband Adapter.

Gamers in Australia usually get the PAL games a bit earlier than the European gamers. However this will not be the case for 1080� Avalanche.

Nintendo of Australia told us it will not be released until somewhere in Q1 2004. An exact release date was not set yet. Maybe the gamers for the land down-under should think about importing it from Europe?

Other interesting Australian news reached us concerning the release of the Broadband Adapter. It has been announced that the GameCube accessory, which enables you to take PSO online and play LAN with Mario Kart, will never hit the stores in Australia. However, starting tomorrow Nintendo of Australia will start selling them from its headquarters. You will have to give them a ring if you'd like to have one. Yes, we are serious...

What are you waiting for? Start calling Nintendo of Australia!

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