News: Aussie Animal Crossing Incompatible With DS

Posted 04 Dec 2008 at 18:05 by Tom Phillips
Disastrous news for our readers down under - Australian copies of Animal Crossing for Wii are incompatible with Animal Crossing on DS.
Cast your mind back almost exactly three years ago, and Animal Crossing: Wild World was being released for the DS in America and Australia. European gamers had to wait a couple more months before they got themselves a copy due to the text-heavy gameplay and the obviously lengthy translation issues that lay therein (which Nintendo has to their credit seems to have solved this time around).
So while Europe had to wait for its truly European version of the game, Australians received their copy early since it was the same as the US version. Exactly the same in fact, because now three years on Australian PAL versions of Animal Crossing: Let's Go To The City on Wii are refusing to co-operate with the Australian versions of Wild World.

The Wii and DS link up feature has been widely publicised - it allows gamers to transfer over their character and hard-worked for catalogue of items. We've known that differing DS and Wii game regions are incompatible for a while, but that such an oversight has not become apparent until Australian gamers actually have the title in their hands is frankly stunning.
Keep it locked to N-Europe as this matter unfolds...