News: Aussie Launch Stories

Here's what some of our Australian viewers stories of their launch events :) Keep sending them in!

Send me more of your launch stories to [email protected]

For now, enjoy these ones! Thanks for your stories guys, and enjoy your Cubes!


Our store had about 15 people pickup cubes, while our other store about 20 minutes away had around 40 - 50 People! All of them bought bundles, and played a few rounds of SSB:M. Free posters, books,etc were given out, everyone was really hyped and excited!

We spent around an hour and everyone had gone home to play GC! Was very successful and as I said, this area is RURAL and not a lot of


Michael Cullerne

Well GameCube launched in New Zealand today too and I picked up my Cube at midnight. However many of us are VERY angry about the organisation of the Cube in New Zealand. No Super Monkey Ball and no Rogue Leader. The store I got my Cube from (Stages) only got 3 copies of Wave Race and only 7 GameCubes. No Sonic either yet they ahve about 20 GBA/GCN connectors and 50 controllers. They also had plenty of copies of ...*wait for it*... 18 Wheeler, Crazy Taxi etc. So I actually own no games but the guys at Stages said I could loan THPS 3 because they felt sorry for me. It's actually a lot better than I thought, I'm not a big fan of THPS 3 but its changing me... Slowly. This was not Stages fault however, Monaco NZ import GameCube into New Zealands and they screwed up royally. So what was to be the best night in a long time turned up into a pretty crappy affair...

Nick Folber

It was about 11:15pm and I was sitting at home waiting for midnight to come. My brother suggested that we go have a look at the store, where I had pre-ordered my GameCube. We went down there and found that it was already open! So I went in and grabbed: a Cube, an Orange Controller, a Memory Card and Star Wars: Rouge Squadron. Then they said I get a free key ring for permanent discount,10% of games and accessories and $20 worth of free game Hires!! There wasn't many games for hire so I grabbed: Super Monkey Ball, Luigi's Mansion, Bloody Roar and Sonic. I went to the counter to pay for it all, but the guy said I couldn't pay for it until midnight!! I didn't mind waiting, they had all the GameCube commercials playing on a couple of TVs, so I just watched them for 15mins, oohing and aahing evertime Super Smash Bros Melee came up. Finally they let me pay for it all, it ended up costing me close to $500, which I thought wasn't to bad. I took my Cube home and lovingly removed it from it's box. It was at this time that I noticed what appeared to be small cracks on the top of the GameCube, at the corners and in the middle. This bloody annoyed me, as it would anyone. So I got back in the car and drove back to, I went and showed them what I had found. Then they check three other cubes and the display unit and they all had the small lines!! They came up with conclusion that the lines must be where they melt the plastic together. Although I still think that maybe the lines were caused by weak spots combined with rough transpoertation. Well whatever they are it doesn't matter, because it works and plays beautifully. Any way I hooked it up and played until 2:00am at which time I had to go to bed because I had work in 5 hours.So I packed it up in it's box and placed in my room where my brother could get at it. Tonight I will give it a good thrashing, by playing it most of the night. In conclusion the GameCube is the best console I have ever bought, all I need now is Super Smash Bros Melee, Star Fox Adventures, Mario Sunshine and the remake of Zelda:OoT.


Were do i begin. Since i was probably the first person to get the cute cube before the midnight launch. It was about 2pm thursday, so i guess that's about 10 hours before you got your's.

Here is a list of what i picked up:
Gamecube System + bonus controller deal for $329.00
Extra controller
Memory card
Luigi's Mansion
Wave Race Blue Storm
Batman Vengence
Star Wars Rogue Leader


hey i went to my local EB on thursday to see if theyd give it to me but no so i got their on froday at 5:00 got my games Luigis mansion and Rouge Leader im gettin SSMB on the 31st i got a mem card spice controller and a indigo cube and when i got into the car i opened everything awwww the cube is sooooo small and cute smaller then i though it'd be but so cool i got the excluseive launch CD it ok but the Dics are SOOO SMALL its weird and the mem card is tiny i love it so its my precious ahhhhhh!!!!! why am i here talkin to u u ask cause the only tv at the moment i can play GCN on is being used to watch Foxtel ahhhhhhhh foxtel and gamecube what more could u want? DONT ANSWER THAT!!!!!!

Nworld NMC

Well mine is rather boring but I'll tell you about it anyway.I went to the cannington toy-r-us in Perth W.A to pick up my preorder,the shop rang the day before saying they were opening one hour early so my alarm was set accordingly.

I woke up at 8:45 quickly got dressed and got to the store as quickly as possible.Either everbody had came at 8 to get their cubes or nobody bothered preordering from the store,besides the workers I was by my lonsesome.As I got my gamecube they asked if I would like a free gamecube t-shirt. I accepted and was on my merrily way home. Just as I was leaving a person came running in obviously not to miss out on the gamecube. So on my count in an half hour timeslot toys-r-us made $1058. Anyway I got quite a lot in the bundle for $529 the console itself,extra official controller,1 memory card 59,Luigis mansion,Wave race bluestorm,primagames 4 in 1 strategy guide containing LM,WR:BS,SSBM and pikmin,free GCN t-shirt,preorder disc and 5x$10 vouchers.

Peter Johnson

What a week it's been!

I was dead tired this morning, thanks to the midnight screening of Episode 2 that I attended.But it was more than worth it, as it was easily the best Star Wars film since The Empire Strikes Back.So, with bags under my eyes, I got up bright and early and headed to EB to pick up what I'd been waiting for, MY CUBE!!!

I live in the small town of Wodonga,so I didn't expect things to be big.To my suprise,a bunch of gamers were already at EB picking up their bundles,not bad for a small town.So, I picked my Cube,grabbed some breakfast and headed home.

This was it.My nice new Jet Cube with Rogue Leader (and a few accessories) ohh baby! I powered it up....

Who said X Box was the most powerful console? For the 2 or so months its been available here,I've never seen it do what the Cube does.Rogue Leader is simply incredible,the graphics are the best ever on a console,period.And this is a launch title!! What else are we in store for?

The console itself is very cool indeed,and the controller is the most comfortable ever.All in all,I'm blown away at what my Cube can do and can't wait for other titles such as Resident Evil and Super Mario Sunshine.

Dark Skye

Unfortunately I couldn't got the midnight launch or skip school, so my mum picked up my cube from a perth at EB. So after school, I caugh the bus, and headed to my mums work, as it just around the corner from EB, on Barrack Street, and as luck has it, the bus stops right out the front.

Pressed 12 in the elevator, and my mum lead me to the lounge where I played Super Monkey Ball for an hour. Later, went home, and....


David Johnston

Here's my story about the GameCube launch in Aus. I live in
Toowoomba and although we didn't have quite as many people at EB as you did, I still though it was a very promising launch...I can't wait till SSBM though.

I actually wrote this down in a notepad as I was waiting, I though some of my mates down in Brissie might want to know, so when I read your story I though I might type it up, neaten it up and throw in a bit of background. Anyway, you can post it if you like, or not, doesn't really worry me, just though you might want to know what went on up in Toowoomba.

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