News: Aussie Sales Charts

Since we were down, we couldn't get the sales charts to you. But never fear, for the aussie sales charts have arrived!

Here's the sales charts for the week ended 28th July 2002.

up = Up from last week
dn = Down from last week
nc = No Change
- = Not in the Top 10 last week.

GameCube Sales
1. Super Smash Bros Melee (nc)
2. Pikmin (nc)
3. Luigi's Mansion (up)
4. Spiderman: The Movie (up)
5. Rogue Leader (up)
6. Simpsons Road Rage (-)
7. Agent Under Fire (dn)
8. Sonic Adventure 2: Battle (dn)
9. Super Monkey Ball (nc)
10. FIFA World Cup 2002 (dn)

Game Boy Advanced
1. Monsters (-)
2. DBZ: Legacy of Goku (dn)
3. Froggers (-)
4.. Super Mario World 2 (dn)
5. Atlantis The Lost Empire (-)
6. Creatures (-)
7. Power Puff Girls (-)
8. Spiderman: The Movie (dn)
9. Mario Kart: Super Circuit (dn)
10. Super Mario Advanced (dn)

All Platforms
1. Gran Turismo 2002 Concept (-) -- PS2
2. Motor Mayhem (-) -- PS2
3. MoH: Frontline (dn) -- PS2
4. Warcraft 3 (dn) -- PC
5. Grand Theft Auto 3 (dn) -- PS2
6. MX Rider + TD Open Road (-) -- PS2
7. Spiderman: The Movie (dn) -- PS2
8. Halo: Combat Evolved (dn) -- Xbox
9. Neverwinter Nights (nc) -- PC
10. Crazy Taxi + Remote (-) -- PS2

Looks like we are gonna have to wait until September to see any Cube action on the Aussie sales charts. This week SSB Melee again dropped from the Top 10 list. There were alot of new entries on the GBA front, but again nothing to put GBA games into the Top 10 overall. Roll on September...

We'll bring you the Aussie sales charts every thursday night, so stay tuned :)

Source: I3

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