News: Aussie Sales Charts

A few changes this week, however none of them too good for Nintendo.

Here's the sales charts for the week ended 14th July 2002.

up = Up from last week
dn = Down from last week
nc = No Change
- = Not in the Top 10 last week.

GameCube Sales
1. Super Smash Bros Melee (up)
2. Pikmin (dn)
3. Agent Under Fire (nc)
4. Spiderman: The Movie (nc)
5. Luigi's Mansion (up)
6. Rogue Leader (dn)
7. Sonic Adventure 2: Battle (nc)
8. FIFA World Cup 2002 (nc)
9. Super Monkey Ball (-)
10. Lost Kingdoms (nc)

Game Boy Advanced
1. DBZ: Legacy of Goku (nc)
2. Super Mario World 2 (nc)
3. Spiderman: The Movie (nc)
4. Mario Kart: Super Circuit (up)
5. Star Wars EP 2 (dn)
6. Harry Potter (dn)
7. Sonic Advanced (up)
8. Super Mario Advanced (nc)
9. Golden Sun (up)
10. Crash Bandicoot (dn)

All Platforms
1. Warcraft 3 (nc) -- PC
2. Grand Theft Auto 3 (up) -- PS2
3. Medal of Honour (up) -- PS2
4. Neverwinter Nights (dn) -- PC
5. Spiderman: The Movie (nc) -- PS2
6. Action Triple Pack 1 (-) -- PS2
7. Halo: Combat Evolved (nc) -- Xbox
8. Vampire Night (dn) -- PS2
9. The Sims Vacation (-) -- PC
10. Super Smash Bros: Melee (-) -- Cube

I don't think I have ever seen so many PC games on an Australian sales chart before in my life. Halo holds it's 7th place on the sales chart for the 3rd week in a row, making it the only Xbox game on the charts this week. Melee finds itself back on the charts after it dropped out of the Top 10 last week. However, Pikmin has dropped out of the Top 10 this week, leaving Melee as the only GameCube game on the charts. PS2 continues to dominate. Next week will be interesting...

We'll bring you the Aussie sales charts every thursday night, so stay tuned :)

Source: I3

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