News: Australians Get 3DS Ambassador Test

Posted 19 Aug 2011 at 09:12 by Ashley Jones
Australians wishing to know if they are an Ambassador or not have been granted an easy way to find out.
Nintendo has provided Australian gamers with an online tool to check if they are a 3DS Ambassador, and thus are entitled to twenty free games, that should hopefully provide peace of mind for all fans.
In order to check whether or not you are an Ambassador you must visit the Nintendo website and enter the number found on the reverse of your 3DS console. This will then tell Australian owners if their console is signed up to the Ambassador scheme or not.
At present such a tool is not available in other territories but as the Australian scheme was extended and made more complicated a few weeks ago Nintendo is probably just trying to reassure Asutralian fans first. Nintendo of Europe did mention that a method of checking your Ambassador status was coming last week so be sure to check back for news.